[html-formfu] overriding container css class

Carl Franks fireartist at gmail.com
Wed Apr 22 13:13:46 GMT 2009

2009/4/21 Michael Reddick <michael.reddick at gmail.com>:
> I have a subclass of Element::Select. I want the css class for the container
> to be the same as Element::Select. Is there a better way to do it than
> overriding sub type? Will that cause me other problems?

If you don't need to override, but can live with just adding "select"
to the class, you could do this:

package HTML::FormFu::Element::MyApp::MySelect;

use HTML::FormFu::Util qw( append_xml_attribute );

sub new {
    my $self = shift->next::method( @_ );


return $self;


You'd end up with something like class="myappmyselect select",
so any CSS targetting ".select" will still work.


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