[html-formfu] Need help with repeatable field

Ascii King tech at swattermatter.com
Wed Aug 26 19:25:17 GMT 2009

Jorge Augusto Senger wrote:
> Hi list,
> I need some advice regarding repeatable elements. I've the following 
> database structure:
> Table "clients": cli_id*, cli_name
> Table "clients_tests": cli_id*, tst_id*, tst_result
> Table "tests": tst_id*, tst_name
> So, in my clients form, I'd like to have a "tst_result" for each test, 
> like this:
> Client ID: [ input field for id ]
> Client Name: [ input field for name]
> Test A: [ input field for result ]
> Test B: [ input field for result ]
> Test C: [ input field for result ]
> How can I do this configuration using repeatable fields?
You need to set up your has_many relationship between your tables first. 
You would need to set up a has_many relationship in your Clients.pm.
__PACKAGE__->has_many(client_tests => 
'MyApp::Schema::Result::ClientTests', 'cli_id');

Then, in your .yml  configuration file:

    - type: Hidden
      name: tests_count

    - type: Repeatable
      nested_name: client_tests
      counter_name: tests_count
        empty_rows: 1  <- Up this number to the number of tests you want
        new_rows_max: 100

# CLI_ID --
      - type: Hidden
        name: cli_id

      - type: Select
        name: tst_name
          resultset: Tests  <- name of your tests table
          id_column: tst_id
          label_column: tst_name
        empty_first: 1

      - type: Text
        name: tst_result

Hope that helps. I'm a bit of a newb with this, so I hope it is accurate.

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