[html-formfu] Can't get element name

Ascii King tech at swattermatter.com
Mon Aug 31 19:52:19 GMT 2009

Why doesn't this code return the name and id of the element?

I have declared all of my variables, I just didn't include it here. This 
code will put the title and maxlength attributes of a text field into 
the Repeatables_List, but not the id or name.

The code is supposed to find a text field that has a "title" attribute 
and put a div tag right after it. The code fails because it never 
actually grabs the name of the retrieved element. Why not?

I have so much trouble understanding what is going on inside of the 
arrays and hashes that I work with.

  my @Repeat_List = $form->get_all_elements({ type => 'Text'});

  while (@Repeat_List->[0][$count]) {

    if (@Repeat_List->[0][$count]->attributes->{'title'}) {
      tester = tester . "title == " . 
@Repeat_List->[0][$count]->attributes->{'title'} . "<BR>";
      tester = tester . "id == " . 
@Repeat_List->[0][$count]->attributes->{'id'} . "<BR>";
      tester = tester . "name == " . 
@Repeat_List->[0][$count]->attributes->{'name'} . "<BR>";
      tester = tester . "maxlength == " . 
@Repeat_List->[0][$count]->attributes->{'maxlength'} . "<BR>";

      $new_element = $form->element({ type => 'Block', id => 
@Repeat_List->[0][$count]->attributes->{'id'} });
#      $position = @Repeat_List->[0][$count];
      $position = $form->get_element({ type => 'Text', name => 
@Repeat_List->[0][$count]->attributes->{'name'} });
      $form->insert_after( $new_element, $position );

  $c->stash->{Repeatables_List} = tester;

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