[html-formfu] new cpan releases

Carl Franks fireartist at gmail.com
Thu Dec 10 17:40:19 GMT 2009

HTML-FormFu 0.06000

    - New get_parent() method that traverses the parent hierarchy, returning
      the first parent that matches the supplied options.

    - Date element, year menu now supports 'reverse' option to reverse order
      of year list. - patch from Ozum Eldogan.

    - New Element::Block method auto_block_id().

    - New only_on_reps() method for constraints on fields within a Repeatable
      element. Causes the constraint to only be run if the field's
      repeatable_count() matches one of the set values.

    - New Repeatable::Any constraint.

    - Bugfix: after submission, group-type fields were getting the wrong value
      when multiple fields had the same name. - patch by Doug Orleans.

    - Bugfix: If a field in a Repeatable block had an error, all copies of that
      field were displaying the error. - report by Doug Orleans.

    - Repeatable elements inside a Repeatable element, now works without
      having nested_name set.

HTML-FormFu-Model-DBIC 0.06000
Catalyst-Controller-HTML-FormFu 0.06001

    - Both only include test suite updates - they're only getting
pushed to cpan to let cpan-testers pound them.

Of note is that the HTML-FormFu-Model-DBIC test suite now uses an
in-memory SQLite database, so the test files can be run in parallel
without throwing a fit.

Thanks to everyone who sent patches / bug reports.


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