[html-formfu] File element

Octavian Râşniţă orasnita at gmail.com
Mon Dec 14 18:38:27 GMT 2009


When I need to use a File element, is it necessary to define the field that 
holds the file as a field that uses DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::File? (And 
do I need to use this inflator?)

Or what else do I need to do, because after I used

if ($form->submitted_and_valid) {
my $file = $c->config->{anunturi_dir} . $form->param('file')->basename;

in the database, in the "file" field, I have only the string 

If it is normal to have this string there, how can I access the elements of 
the "file" field, like basename, filename...?

Or am I doing something wrong?

Thank you.


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