[html-formfu] inheritance question

Malcolm mjh-formfu at liminalflux.net
Sun Feb 22 22:07:33 GMT 2009

There's probably something obvious I'm completely missing, but can someone 
explain (or point me at the right place to RTFM, as I can't find it) why this 

	package MySite::Controller::Profile;
	use parent qw(MySite::Controller::Base Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu );

but this:

	package MySite::Controller::Profile;
	use parent qw(Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu MySite::Controller::Base);

fails to process forms at all ($c->stash->{form} is empty).

where MySite::Controller::Base, just provides a couple of utility functions.

Also if MySite::Controller::Base inherits from 
Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu, and MySite::Controller::Profile just 
inherits from MS::C::Base, I get this same effect (no forms).

Now, it's not a problem to put C::C::HTML::FormFu at the end of the leaf 
class, I'm just curious as to why I have to.

Using Moose and extends instead of "use parent" has the same effect.

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