[html-formfu] Error using insert_after

Charlie Garrison garrison at zeta.org.au
Mon Jul 13 15:54:44 GMT 2009

Good morning,

I'm getting an exception when using insert_after to move a newly 
created element. I'm using the following code to create/insert 
the new element.

my $new_elem = $form->element($trait_kids->formfu); # 
$trait->formfu is hashref
my $after_this = $form->get_field({name => 'my_postcode'});

### $new_elem->name --> 'trait_kids'
### $after_this->name --> 'my_postcode'

### ref new_elem --> 'HTML::FormFu::Element::Select'
### ref after_this --> 'HTML::FormFu::Element::Text'

$form->insert_after($new_elem, $after_this);
# Caught exception in MyApp::Controller::Profiles->edit 
"position element not found at ....

If I comment out the insert_after line, then the form displays 
with the new element added at the end. And both $new_elem & 
$after_this seem to be valid elements.

Can anyone suggest how I should debug this? Is it possible this 
could be a regression in .05001? I'm pretty sure this was 
working for me last week, but I just started using insert_after 
so I could be wrong about it working previously.


    Charlie Garrison  <garrison at zeta.org.au>
    PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia

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