[html-formfu] I18N localization and Catalyst

Johannes list100 at hoerburger.org
Sun Jun 21 21:18:11 GMT 2009

Sorry if the tries of solving the problem may read ridiculous. Tried  
to query the mailinglist for hours now and couldn't get a clue how to  
make localization work with HTML::FormFu.

My Catalyst app already uses Catalyst::Plugin::I18N, has

Using HTML::FormFu in Catalyst with regular .yml config files for each  
form i've tried for example

   - type: Text
     name: email
     label_loc: email

and had Email translated in the MyApp::I18N::de and MyApp::I18N::en.

But just "email" got printed as label, no translation...

How can I tell FormFu's yml's to use MyApp's I18N's?
for error messages on validation I'd be thankful too for hints how to  
tell my forms/formconfigs to hand out localized error messages...

something like:
   - type: Text
     name: email
     label: "Email:"
       - message_loc: wrongemail
       - Required
       - Email

failed completely (refused to run...)

Big thanx in advance for reading till here, and for any examples that  
may help,

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