[html-formfu] form and dynamic loading of part of it

Ferruccio Zamuner nonsolosoft at diff.org
Tue Jun 23 12:47:30 GMT 2009


I'm writing because I don't know how to solve this problem:

Usually I declare
  a single formfu with a single file,
  one file => one form
  some fields declared in config, some other programmatically.

But now I need to render a form with some fields and an accordion widget 
containing more
form fields, and only fields in active pane can be loaded at start with 
html page, others fields on other
accordion pane can be lazy loaded on demand even if they are in the same 

Some of them are <select> with many options or dijit.filteringselect 
with related dojo.datastore and lazy loading
can perform very well when only some of them are requested.

How such parts of the same form can be created and handled with 

Thank you in advance for you help and suggestions.             \ferz

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