[html-formfu] I18N localization and Catalyst

Johannes list100 at hoerburger.org
Thu Jun 25 09:17:35 GMT 2009

Thank you very much for your answer Carl!

It helped me to at least understand it a little better :-)

two things remained unclear:

After adding my I18N's via:

add_localize_object: 'MyApp::I18N'
indicator: submit

how can I make the label of a field localized? something like:

   - type: Text
     name: email
     label_loc: email
       - Required
       - Email

didn't do the trick.

The second question:
How do I tell HTML::FormFu's yml's to what language it should localize  
the constraint errormessages (e.g. which /FormFu/I18N/lang.pm to use  
for that certain request)?

it doesn't guess it by itself like $c->localize() does it in catalyst  
based on the browsers language defaults).

Thank you once more for your help,

Am 23.06.2009 um 12:46 schrieb Carl Franks:

> To completely replace HTML::FormFu's own I18N files - see  
> localize_class()
> http://search.cpan.org/~cfranks/HTML-FormFu-0.05000/lib/HTML/FormFu.pm#localize_class
> To supplement it, see the methods in HTML::FormFu::Localize -
> unfortunately they're not documented, and not very well tested.
> You'll probably want either add_localize_object() or
> add_localize_object_from_class() to set it in a config file.
>> for error messages on validation I'd be thankful too for hints how  
>> to tell
>> my forms/formconfigs to hand out localized error messages...
>> something like:
>> elements:
>>  - type: Text
>>    name: email
>>    label: "Email:"
>>    constraints:
>>      - message_loc: wrongemail
>>      - Required
>>      - Email
> That's an array of 3 items - each of which should be an individual  
> constraint.
> The first will fail because it doesn't define a 'type'
> Did you mean this... ?
>    constraints:
>      - Required
>      - type: Email
>        message_loc: wrongemail
> Which is equivalent to:
>    $field->constraint( 'Required' );
>    $field->constraint( {
>      type => 'Email',
>      message_loc => 'wrongemail',
>      } );

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