[html-formfu] new releases uploaded to cpan

Carl Franks fireartist at gmail.com
Fri May 8 18:03:47 GMT 2009

HTML-FormFu v0.04002 and
HTML-FormFu-Model-DBIC v0.04002 have been uploaded to pause and should
be available on cpan within hours.

The biggest change is in HTML-FormFu-Model-DBIC,
'new_empty_row' and 'new_empty_row_multi' have been deprecated
(they still work for now, but issue warnings).
See 'empty_rows' and 'new_rows_max' instead.

Below are the change-logs...

HTML-FormFu v0.04002

    - Incompatible Change: Element::Repeatable->repeat() now defaults to 1
      instead of 0. This allows empty Repeatables.

    - Fix test failures on Win32.

    - During Element::Repeatable->process() call children's process() before

    - Support nested Repeatable elements.

    - Ensure plugins are correctly cloned.

HTML-FormFu-Model-DBIC v0.04002

    - New "empty_rows" setting - replaces now deprecated "new_empty_row".

    - New "new_rows_max" setting - replaces now deprecated

    - Previously, the field named in "new_empty_row" was used to determine
      whether to insert a new row. - Now we simply insert a new row if any
      field within the Repeatable block has a submitted value.

    - New 'read_only' model_config option.

    - New 'ignore_if_empty' model_config option.

    - Support nested Repeatable elements.

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