[html-formfu] Repeatable displays every row in table (bug?)

Ascii King tech at swattermatter.com
Mon May 11 15:44:11 GMT 2009

I had this same problem back in this thread  

the answer was how I was calling the new record. I eeded to use 
find_or_new to call a new record.
my $book = $c->model('DB::MyTable')->find_or_new({ id => $id });

Mario Minati wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> I don't see the hidden line_cnt field, but I guess you just didn't post it as 
> editing works.
> Maybe you have anycustom DBIC stuff hosing your setup?
> If not it would be usefull to create a test out of your code that currently 
> fails.
> Greets,
> Mario Minati
> Am Donnerstag 07 Mai 2009 23:13:10 schrieb Greg Coates:
>> OK.  Let me try again, then.
>> I have a form that is used to display invoices from a table called
>> 'invoices'.  It contains a Repeatable that is used to display the
>> individual lines for those invoices.  These lines come from a table
>> called 'invoice_items'.
>> When the form is used on an existing record, all is well.  However, when
>> I use the form to create a new record, I have a problem.  Instead of the
>> Repeatable being blank, every row from the 'invoice_items' table is
>> displayed.
>> Greg
>> Mario Minati wrote:
>>> Your problem description seems to be missing a few words, actually I
>>> don't understand your problem.
>>> Greets,
>>> Mario Minati
>>> Am Mittwoch 06 Mai 2009 01:05:18 schrieb Greg Coates:
>>>> I have a form that contains a repeatable block that I'm using with
>>>> Catalyst.  Everything works fine for existing master records.  However,
>>>> when I use the form to create a new record, every record in the table
>>>> for the has many relationship.  This is less than optimal.
>>>> Here's the repeatable block from the form definition:
>>>>    - type: Repeatable
>>>>      name: invoice_lines
>>>>      nested_name: invoice_items
>>>>      counter_name: line_cnt
>>>>      auto_id: "%n"
>>>>      attributes:
>>>>        class: data_row invoice_item
>>>>      elements:
>>>>        - type: Hidden
>>>>          name: ivi_id
>>>>        - type: Block
>>>>          attributes:
>>>>            class: ivi_desc
>>>>          elements:
>>>>            - type: Text
>>>>              name: ivi_desc
>>>>              size: 75
>>>>        - type: Block
>>>>          attributes:
>>>>            class: ivi_unit_price numeric
>>>>          elements:
>>>>              - type: Text
>>>>                name: ivi_unit_price
>>>>                size: 8
>>>>        - type: Block
>>>>          attributes:
>>>>            class: ivi_quantity numeric
>>>>          elements:
>>>>            - type: Text
>>>>              name: ivi_quantity
>>>>              size: 5
>>>>        - type: Block
>>>>          attributes:
>>>>            class: ivi_total_price numeric
>>>>          elements:
>>>>            - type: "+Coatesoft::FormFu::Element::DataLabel"
>>>>              name: ivi_total_price
>>>>        - type: Block
>>>>          attributes:
>>>>            class: ivi_account
>>>>          elements:
>>>>            - type: Select
>>>>              name: ivi_account
>>>>              model_config:
>>>>                resultset: Accounts
>>>>                id_column: acc_id
>>>>                label_column: acc_title
>>>>        - type: Block
>>>>          attributes:
>>>>            class: ivi_item
>>>>          elements:
>>>>            - type: Select
>>>>              name: ivi_item
>>>>              empty_first: 1
>>>>              empty_first_label: <no inventory item>
>>>>              model_config:
>>>>                resultset: Items
>>>>                id_column: itm_id
>>>>                label_column: itm_description
>>>>        - type: Block
>>>>          attributes:
>>>>            class: ivi_tax_type
>>>>          elements:
>>>>            - type: Select
>>>>              name: ivi_tax_type
>>>>              empty_first: 1
>>>>              empty_first_label: <no tax>
>>>>              model_config:
>>>>                resultset: Taxes
>>>>                id_column: tax_id
>>>>                label_column: tax_desc
>>>>        - type: Block
>>>>          attributes:
>>>>            class: ivi_memo
>>>>          elements:
>>>>            - type: Text
>>>>              name: ivi_memo
>>>>              size: 100
>>>> And here's the relevant part of my Catalyst controller:
>>>> sub edit :Local :FormConfig('invoices/edit_invoice.yml') {
>>>>    my ($self, $c, $ivc_id) = @_;
>>>>    if ($c->request->param('cancel')) {
>>>>      $c->response->redirect($c->uri_for("/invoices"));
>>>>      $c->detach();
>>>>    }
>>>>    my $invoice = ($ivc_id) ? $c->model('DB::Invoices')->find($ivc_id)
>>>>                            : $c->model('DB::Invoices')->new_result({});
>>>>    my $form = $c->stash->{form};
>>>>    if ($form->submitted_and_valid()) {
>>>>      $form->process();
>>>>      $form->model->update($invoice);
>>>>      if (! $c->request->param('draft')) {
>>>>        # Save to accounts
>>>>      }
>>>>      $c->response->redirect($c->uri_for("/invoices"));
>>>>      $c->detach();
>>>>    }
>>>> }
>>>> Any ideas, folks?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Greg Coates
>>>> Coatesoft
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