[html-formfu] setting default values
Moritz Onken
onken at houseofdesign.de
Thu Oct 15 08:42:40 GMT 2009
From a first glance:
$c->stash->{object} is not a formfu object but a DBIC row.
You might want to try $c->stash->{form}
Am 14.10.2009 um 21:42 schrieb Ascii King:
> I am unable to set the default value of a field on my form. I am
> using the following line:
> $c->stash->{object}->model->default_values( { name => 'tbz' } );
> or I can break it down to this:
> my $form = $c->stash->{object};
> $form->model->default_values( { name => 'tbz' } );
> But the 'name' field comes up empty when the page loads or the
> following error:
> |"Can't locate object method "model" via package
> "NPC::Model::ModelDB::Character"
> |
> I know this is easy and I have researched it. Ijust can't figure out
> what I am doing wrong? Here is my full sub.
> sub new_character : Local FormConfig('character/new_character.yml') {
> my ($self, $c) = @_;
> # load the new record object into the stash
> $c->stash->{object} = $c->model('ModelDB::Character')->new_result({});
> # Check permissions
> $c->detach('/error_noperms')
> unless $c->stash->{object}->create_allowed_by($c->user->get_object);
> # Clicked the submit button and the form passed error checking
> if ($c->stash->{form}->submitted_and_valid) {
> # Write the record to the resultset
> $c->stash->{form}->model->update($c->stash->{object});
> # Update the status message
> $c->flash->{status_msg} = 'Record created';
> # Redirect to the list_character page
> $c->response->redirect($c->uri_for('list_character'));
> # Escape this subroutine
> $c->detach;
> # First load or form is reloaded due to failing error checking
> } else {
> $c->stash->{object}->model->default_values( { name => 'tbz' } );
> # Re-evaluate the form
> $c->stash->{form}->process();
> }
> # Run the code necessary to rename the repeatable elements to be
> compatible with wforms.js
> NPC::Controller::WForm::handle_repeat($c->stash->{form}, $c);
> # Necessary to handle the hints that work work with wforms.js
> NPC::Controller::WForm::handle_hints($c->stash->{form}, $c);
> # Set the logo
> $c->stash->{given_logo} = '/static/images/Tolkien Folder.png';
> # Set the title
> $c->stash->{given_title} = 'New Character';
> # Set the page template that is used
> $c->stash->{template} = 'standard/wform_form.tt2';
> }
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