[html-formfu] update Checkbox field problem
Carl Franks
fireartist at gmail.com
Fri Mar 12 14:07:39 GMT 2010
On 12 March 2010 12:55, Stephen Shorrock
<stephen.shorrock at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Dear Carl,
> I was wondering whether you would be able to offer some insight into what
> the issue with my code could be:
> I'm attempting to update the value of a check box following a form submit:
> Along the lines of
> #values hardcoded for example
> if(defined($c->stash->{form}->get_field("keep_row"))){
> print STDERR $form->get_field("keep_row)."\n";
> $form->get_field("keep_row")->value("118");
> print STDERR $form->get_field("keep_row")."\n";
> $form->get_field("keep_row")->add_attrs({checked=>'checked'});
> print STDERR $form->get_field("keep_row")."\n";
> }
> When the checkbox has been checked the checked attribute is removed:
> <div class="checkbox"><input name="keep_row" type="checkbox" value="1"
> checked="checked" /></div>
> <div class="checkbox"><input name="keep_row" type="checkbox" value="118"
> /></div>
> <div class="checkbox"><input name="keep_row" type="checkbox" value="118"
> /></div>
> However when the checkbox has not been selected and I want to update then I
> am able to add the checked attribute and modify the value (I'm essentially
> populating the form with database defaults).
> <div class="checkbox"><input name="keep_row" type="checkbox" value="1"
> /></div>
> <div class="checkbox"><input name="keep_row" type="checkbox" value="118"
> /></div>
> <div class="checkbox"><input name="keep_row" type="checkbox" value="118"
> checked="checked" /></div>
> I've tried to debug by writing a test (reading from a yml) with checkbox
> attribute set or unset in the yml file, but this seems to work fine.
> Is modifying the field and its attributes the correct way for me to build
> the form, or are there some quirks because I'm trying to modify already
> processed fields? No Filters/Constraints/Plugins exist on the Checkbox field
You shouldn't try to set the 'checked' attribute yourself.
Generally, use $field->default()
If default() == value(), then render will set 'checked' for you.
In this case, because the form has been submitted, it'll compare the
submitted value against the new $field->value(), and because they're
not the same, it'll unset the 'checked' attribute.
If this is purely for re-rendering,
I'd suggest making the form think it hasn't been submitted, and then
setting the default values.
Either create a new form object from the original config file, or
should do it.
If that's not acceptable, then I think you'll need to do this:
my $value = 118;
$field->default( $value );
Even if it is a bit of a hack ;)
The behaviour you're seeing is due to prepare_attrs() in Checkbox.pm
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