[html-formfu] FormFu many_to_many YAML declaration
halasz.g at freemail.hu
Wed Apr 11 20:15:56 GMT 2012
On 4/11/2012 7:29 PM, Robyn Jonahs wrote:
> |
> What if I don't want the authors in a select field but a text field? Can
> I do that?
> I have been trying to use something like in
> http://search.cpan.org/~pshangov/HTML-FormFu-Model-DBIC-0.09002/lib/HTML/FormFu/Model/DBIC.pm#has_many_and_many_to_many_relationships
> <http://search.cpan.org/%7Epshangov/HTML-FormFu-Model-DBIC-0.09002/lib/HTML/FormFu/Model/DBIC.pm#has_many_and_many_to_many_relationships>
> |
> |
> but that example schema set does not have the "|many-to-many ||join|
> |table between books & authors"| as in the tutorial.
> https://metacpan.org/module/Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial::03_MoreCatalystBasics#CREATE-A-SQLITE-DATABASE
> I can't figure out how to write the YAML to get FormFu to put the data
> into my edit form while using the many to many join table. Can anyone
> help out?
I think, this isn't possible via model::dbic.
'To select / deselect rows from a many_to_many relationship, you must
use a multi-valued element, such as a Checkboxgroup or a Select with
multiple set.' -
If you need a complex dbic operation, try to manipulate the form
configuration via Catalyst controller. Here is an example (sorry, I
copied form my app, not a general example, don't care about my variables
and object)
In the controller:
sub modify : Chained( 'base' ) : PathPart( 'modify' ) : Args( 0 ) : Form {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
$position = $c->stash->{form}->get_all_element( { type =>
'File', id => 'add' } );
@pictures = $c->model('SqlFS')->list_images( {
container => $c->session->{container},
id => $c->session->{itemId} } );
foreach my $current (@pictures) {
$src = $c->uri_for( '/api/html/geticon/' .
$c->session->{container} . '/' . $c->session->{itemId} . '/' .
$current->name );
$position->parent->element( {
name => $current->name,
type => 'Image',
src => $src,
value => $current->name,
retain_default => 1,
force_default => 0,
And the config:
type Block
id fieldbox
class fifty
type Block
tag label
content_loc form.config.label.picture.modify.fieldset
type Fieldset
id placeholder
class placeholder
<<include ../common/element/file.picture.conf>>
id add
type Fieldset
id buttonholder
class buttonholder
<<include ../common/element/submit.back.conf>>
value_loc form.config.value.picture.modify.back
<<include ../common/element/submit.add.conf>>
value_loc form.config.value.picture.modify.add
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