[html-formfu] Multiple submit button failure

Gabor HALASZ halasz.g at freemail.hu
Sun Jan 8 21:23:18 GMT 2012


I created a form with a select field and two submit button with 
different values. When I sent the form, the Catalyst reports the correct 
parameters, but formfu not:

[debug] Body Parameters are:
| Parameter                     | Value                          |
| _token                        | ftqm2x2o98crjfyr               |
| image                         | Image                          |
| product_id                    | 4                              |
[debug] Found sessionid "..." in cookie
[debug] Restored session "..."
[debug] HIER: $VAR1 = {
           'product_id' => '4',
           '_token' => 'ftqm2x2o98crjfyr',
           'data' => 'Data',
           'image' => 'Image'

($c->log->debug('HIER: ' . Dumper $c->stash->{form}->params);)

What about this?


Gabor HALASZ <halasz.g at freemail.hu>

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