[html-formfu] position element not found

Gabor HALASZ halasz.g at freemail.hu
Mon Jan 9 18:18:53 GMT 2012


I tried to add elements to my form (new elements into a fieldset 
element), but I got exception with $subject. My code is:

my $position = $c->stash->{form}->get_all_element({ type => 'File', });
# my $position = $c->stash->{form}->get_all_element;

use Data::Dumper;
$c->log->debug( 'HIER: ' . $position );

$c->stash->{form}->insert_after( $c->stash->{form}->element( {

The debug log:

[debug] Restored session "ad2db20e3852c4d33f421258241d2aecb1a18cc4"
[debug] HIER: <div class="file label">
<input name="image" type="file" title="form.element.title.picture" />
[debug] Rendering template "form.tt"
[error] Caught exception in PAGL::Controller::Picture->manage "position 
element not found at 
/usr/home/HalaszGabor/Pagl/script/../lib/PAGL/Controller/Picture.pm line 53"

If I tried get_all_elements without %options, and the insert_after 
works, adds the new element after the first element of form. What's wrong?

Gabor HALASZ <halasz.g at freemail.hu>

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