[html-formfu] position element not found

Gabor HALASZ halasz.g at freemail.hu
Tue Jan 10 09:16:34 GMT 2012

On 1/10/2012 9:38 AM, Carl Franks wrote:
> Hi,
> Can you provide the config / code which sets-up the form,  and the rest
> of your code which looks like it's cut off mid-line?


My configs:


<<include                       ../common/filter.conf>>
     type                        Block
         id                      fieldbox
         class                   fifty
         type                    Block
         tag                     label
         content_loc             form.config.label.picture.manage.fieldset
         type                    Fieldset
             class               placeholder

             <<include           ../common/element/file.picture.conf>>


The included elements:


filter                          TrimEdges
filter                          HTMLEscape
filter                          HTMLScrubber


type                            File
name                            image
label_loc                       form.element.label.picture
     title                       form.element.title.picture
     type                        File::MIME
     types                       image/bmp
     types                       image/gif
     types                       image/jpeg
     types                       image/png
     types                       image/tiff
     type                        File::MinSize
     min                         32768
     type                        File::MaxSize
     max                         524288

My Ctalyst controller:

=head2 manage

  Picture manager logic


sub manage : Chained( 'base' ) : PathPart( 'manage' ) : Args( 0 ) : Form {
     my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

     $c->stash->{title} = 'template.title.picture.manage';


     if ( exists $c->flash->{productId} ) {
         my $position = $c->stash->{form}->get_all_element({ type => 
'File', });
#        my $position = $c->stash->{form}->get_all_element;

use Data::Dumper;
$c->log->debug( 'HIER: ' . $position );

         $c->stash->{form}->insert_after( $c->stash->{form}->element( {
                 name => '5',
                 src  => $c->uri_for( '/api/getproducticon/' . 
$c->flash->{productId} ),
                 type => 'Image',
             } ), $position );

     else {




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