[html-formfu] Syntax for $form->element->repeat(5)
scott at simpzoid.com
scott at simpzoid.com
Mon Jul 23 10:02:16 GMT 2012
I have the following form.conf file
constraints Required
min 1
max 10000
type Range
message Required. Digits only, please.
filter TrimEdges
filter HTMLEscape
name textfield1
type Text
label textfield1
title Enter an integer between 1 and 10 000.
type Repeatable
name row
tag span
name foo
type Text
label textrepeat
title Enter some text.
value Submit
name submit
type Submit
indicator submit
And the relevant bit of the Catalyst controller is:
sub formfu_create :Chained('base') :PathPart('formfu_create') :Args(0)
:FormConfig {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
my $form = $c->stash->{form};
The controller dies because it cannot find HTML/FormFu/element.pm. I have
tried many versions of the statement $form->element->repeat(5) but cannot
find the correct syntax.
I would be grateful if someone could point out the correct syntax for:
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