[html-formfu] FormFu updates

Carl Franks fireartist at gmail.com
Mon Dec 16 11:40:59 GMT 2013

Hi all,

The following new distributions are working their way through cpan:
HTML-FormFu                            v1.00
HTML-FormFu-Element-reCAPTCHA        v1.00
HTML-FormFu-MultiForm                v1.00
HTML-FormFu-Model-DBIC                v1.00
HTML-FormFu-Role-JQueryValidation    v1.00
HTML-FormFu-Imager                    v1.00
Catalyst-Controller-HTML-FormFu        v1.00

Notable in that list, are that Element::reCAPTCHA and MultiForm have been
moved out into their own distributions.
The docs for Role::JQueryValidation probably aren't much help yet if you
haven't already used JQuery Validation ( http://jqueryvalidation.org ),
so I'll try to put together an example Catalyst app to demonstrate it.

Notable changes from HTML-FormFu:

The generated HTML is now lighter, with much fewer class names added.
The class names and some other tags are now more configurable - with less
hard-coded values.
See the "RESTORING LEGACY HTML CLASSES" section in the HTML::FormFu docs
if you just want to keep the old markup behaviour.
See the docs in HTML::FormFu::Role::Element::Field for details of the
new methods for configuring the HTML.

default_args() is much more useful.
Now supports 'Block', 'Field', 'Input' pseudo-elements,
'|' alternatives, and '+' and '-' ancestor modifiers.
See "default_args" in the HTML::FormFu docs for full details.

    - TT template files changed - update them if you use a local copy.
      Template file 'label_tag' renamed to 'label_element' - old file can
      be deleted. 'field' file changed. New 'errors' file.

    - TT no longer listed as a prerequisite. If you use the TT files,
      you must add 'Template' to your own app's prereqs.

    - New Element::Email and Element::URL HTML5 input fields.

    - Role::Element::Input has new datalist_options(), datalist_values(),
      datalist_id() and auto_datalist_id() methods to support HTML5 datalists.
      auto_datalist_id() is an inherited accessor which can be set on the
      Form, MultiForm, or Block.

    - Form and Elements has new title() attribute short-cut.

    - Constraint::Regex has new anchored() accessor.

    - New Input attribute accessors: placeholder(), pattern(), autocomplete().

    - New Input boolean attribute accessors: autofocus(), multiple(),

    - All attribute accessors generated with mk_attrs() now have *_loc variants.

Most of the changes in the other distributions involved changing tests
after the HTML-FormFu HTML changes, and moving everything over to use

Please see the "Changes" file in each distribution for a full changelog.


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