[Html-widget] Behavior of Callback

Ted Carnahan ted at tedcarnahan.com
Mon Oct 9 17:03:19 CEST 2006

Here is a preliminary patch, targeted at Any, Equal, and CallbackOnce.  
One note - we change the behavior for Equal so that the default is to 
put an error message on all of the items if the constraint fails instead 
of assuming the first one always correct.  That may or may not be 
desirable - we think it a more sensible default.

We'd appreciate feedback and testing.  We aren't sure that it makes a 
lot of sense for the other constraints, but discussion there would be 

- Ted Carnahan and Nate Green

Ted Carnahan wrote:

>I agree - a very good idea.  I'll rework that on Monday.
>Carl Franks wrote:
>>It seems a useful feature, but I think I'd prefer display_errors() to
>>take a list of names, for greater flexibility.
>>It would make sense to have all elements which accept a list of names,
>>to support this feature.
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