[Html-widget] latest formfu developments - Controller and
Carl Franks
fireartist at gmail.com
Wed Feb 28 09:30:11 GMT 2007
On 27/02/07, Mario Minati <mario at minati.de> wrote:
> Carl Franks schrieb:
> Is it possible that the CallbackOnce constraint works different then
> that one from HTML::Widget?
> I used it like this:
> # $form->constraint(CallbackOnce => qw/name pre/)->callback(sub {
> # my ($name, $pre) = @_;
> So I got the values of that fields.
> As I understand your code I only get the value of the field which the
> constraint belongs to. Correct?
Yes, previously the callback got a list of values as its arguments - 1
for each of it's named fields.
constraint( CallBackOnce => 'foo', 'bar' )
->callback( sub { my ( $foo, $bar ) = @_; } );
Now, there's 2 differences.
First, a constraint can only have 1 named field.
For example, the above constraint would actually create 2 new
constraints - so it's the same as doing...
constraint( CallbackOnce => 'foo' )->callback( \&xxx );
constraint( CallbackOnce => 'bar' )->callback( \&xxx );
To make up for this, the callback now receives 2 arguments: the value
for the named field, and a copy of the entire input param hashref.
->callback( sub { my ( $value, $params ) = @_; } );
> > You could use the FormMethod action, which could even load the bulk of
> > the form from a config file, and then just add the things which need
> > to be done programatically.
> >
> > Because load_config_file() uses Config::Any - which supports loading
> > perl files - you could still define your programatic constraints in a
> > config file (as long as it doesn't require access to runtime data)
> >
> > As far as getting db data into select fields is concerned, there's not
> > really any way around doing that somewhere in your code.
> > If you're using DBIx::Class, you could create a db-specific formfu
> > element which gets the data itself, by accessing the dbic classes
> > directly.
> At the moment I am experimenting with the FormMethod Action Class.
> For me it would be very usefull if the form creating functon could be
> called with $c as parameter.
> I hanged that in my local code like that:
> for ( @{ $self->{_attr_params} } ) {
> for my $method ( split ) {
> $c->log->debug($method);
> my $args = $controller->$method($c) || {};
> $form->populate( $args );
> }
> }
Good idea.
I've updated the Cat controller so the method gets the $c.
> This way I can autodetect a few elements for the form like this:
> sub company_form {
> my ($self, $c) = @_;
> my $sub = (caller(0))[3];
> $sub =~ s/^([^\:]+\:\:)*//;
> $c->log->debug("Setting default form id to: ".$sub);
> $c->log->debug("Setting default form action to:
> ".$c->uri_for($c->{action}->name));
> return {
> action => $c->uri_for($c->{action}->name),
> id => $sub,
> elements => [ [
> ...
> I will put this in a seperate function that provides some common form
> code, or do you want to put it in formMethod to provide some defaults
> that the user could override.
Maybe add a config option, to make all forms automatically get the
action property set to the current url.
> After bringing that to work (yesterday) I decided (today) to switch to
> FormConfig with yml-files, as I can get rid of the formcode in my
> controller. After understanding YAML it works quite well.
> Now I am as fascinated as you are. ;-)
Cool :)
> There is only one constraint than I cannot create at the moment:
> Some db tables in my model have unique constraints, so I do a search
> with the new data before accepting it.
> I am imaging a hidden field that contains the id of the data set (for
> edit) or an empty string (for create) and constraint on that with the
> model name and the parameters names that have to be included (could be
> autodetected from the required fields).
> But the one thing that is missing to acomplish this is $c from catalyst.
> Do you see a chance to pass it through / hold it in formfu?
Does FormMethod() getting $c now solve this?
> By the way I made a TrimEdges Filter.You can put it in the svn if you want.
I've added it.
The only change I made was changing
$value =~ s/\s+$//;
$value =~ s/\s+\z//;
because $ allows a linebreak after it, which isn't likely what's
wanted. \z is more explicit.
I think I've changed all the formfu constraints/filters to use that,
but if you come across any that still use $ feel free to fix them!
If you have a google account, I'll give you svn commit access. - But
do please include tests with any changes.
(you don't need to sign up for gmail to get an account, you can sign
up with any email address).
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