[Fwd: [Html-widget] formfu validation proposals]

Carl Franks fireartist at gmail.com
Tue Mar 13 09:24:01 GMT 2007

On 12/03/07, Mario Minati <mario.minati at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Am Montag 12 März 2007 12:41 schrieben Sie:
> > Von:  Carl Franks <fireartist at gmail.com>
> > I propose making it a lot more powerful and flexible, with the following
> > steps:
> >  * filter
> >  * constrain
> >  * inflate
> >  * validate
> >  * transform
> May be can give a modul and / or function name or catalyst ation to call in
> the yaml. This way we could seperate the form showing function and the
> validation function and we could use the transform functions to store the data
> in the model.
> And keep the code seperated from the form with very little effort of
> connecting both pieces. Just a quick thought.

As with elements, filters, etc. The new validators and transformers
will accept fully qualified package names starting with '+'.

  - name: foo
      - +MyApp::Validate::TestFoo

The package just needs to implement a process() method, and die if the
validation fails.
And if you're using Catalyst-Controller-HTML-FormFu, you'll have
access to the context via $self->form->stash->{context}


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