[Moose-commits] r7482 - Moose/trunk/lib/Moose/Manual
autarch at code2.0beta.co.uk
autarch at code2.0beta.co.uk
Tue Feb 3 04:40:17 GMT 2009
Author: autarch
Date: 2009-02-02 20:40:17 -0800 (Mon, 02 Feb 2009)
New Revision: 7482
More text tweaking
Modified: Moose/trunk/lib/Moose/Manual/Concepts.pod
--- Moose/trunk/lib/Moose/Manual/Concepts.pod 2009-02-03 04:26:19 UTC (rev 7481)
+++ Moose/trunk/lib/Moose/Manual/Concepts.pod 2009-02-03 04:40:17 UTC (rev 7482)
@@ -11,11 +11,10 @@
methods, etc. With Moose, these are all conceptually separate things,
even though under the hood they're implemented with plain old Perl.
-Our meta-object protocol (aka MOP) provides a well-defined
-introspection features for each of those concepts, and Moose in turn
-provides I<distinct> sugar for each of them. Moose also introduces
-additional concepts such as roles, method modifiers, and declarative
+Our meta-object protocol (aka MOP) provides well-defined introspection
+features for each of those concepts, and Moose in turn provides
+distinct sugar for each of them. Moose also introduces additional
+concepts such as roles, method modifiers, and declarative delegation.
Knowing what these concepts mean in Moose-speak, and how they used to
be done in old school Perl 5 OO is a good way to start learning to use
@@ -38,7 +37,7 @@
apply to its own methods or methods that are inherited from its
-A class I<does> zero or more B<roles>.
+A class I<does> (and I<consumes>) zero or more B<roles>.
A class I<has> a B<constructor> and a B<destructor>. These are
provided for you "for free" by Moose.
@@ -61,26 +60,25 @@
=head2 Attribute
An attribute is a property of the class that defines it. It I<always>
-has a name, and it I<may have> a number of other defining
+has a name, and it I<may have> a number of other properties.
-These characteristics may include a read/write flag, a B<type>,
-accessor method names, B<delegations>, a default value, and more.
+These properties can include a read/write flag, a B<type>, accessor
+method names, B<delegations>, a default value, and more.
Attributes I<are not> methods, but defining them causes various
accessor methods to be created. At a minimum, a normal attribute will
-always have a reader accessor method. Many attributes have things like
-a writer method, clearer method, and predicate method ("has it been
+always have a reader accessor method. Many attributes also other
+methods such as a writer method, clearer method, and predicate method
+("has it been set?").
-An attribute may also define B<delegation>s, which will create
-additional methods based on the delegation specification.
+An attribute may also define B<delegations>, which will create
+additional methods based on the delegation mapping.
By default, Moose stores attributes in the object instance, which is a
-hashref, I<but this is invisible to the author of a Moose-base class>!
-It is best to think of Moose attributes as "properties" of the
-I<opaque> B<object instance>. These properties are accessed through
-well-defined accessor methods.
+hashref, I<but this is invisible to the author of a Moose-based
+class>! It is best to think of Moose attributes as "properties" of
+the I<opaque> B<object instance>. These properties are accessed
+through well-defined accessor methods.
An attribute is something that the class's members have. For example,
People have first and last names. Users have passwords and last login
@@ -93,20 +91,21 @@
=head2 Method
-A method is very straightforward. Any subroutine you define in your
+A B<method> is very straightforward. Any subroutine you define in your
class is a method.
-Methods correspond to verbs, and are what your objects can do. For
+B<Methods> correspond to verbs, and are what your objects can do. For
example, a User can login.
sub login { ... }
=head2 Roles
-A role is something that a class I<does>. For example, a Machine class
-might do the Breakable role, and so could a Bone class. A role is
-used to define some concept that cuts across multiple unrelated
-classes, like "breakability", or "has a color".
+A role is something that a class I<does>. We also say that classes
+I<consume> roles. For example, a Machine class might do the Breakable
+role, and so could a Bone class. A role is used to define some concept
+that cuts across multiple unrelated classes, like "breakability", or
+"has a color".
A role I<has> zero or more B<attributes>.
@@ -119,6 +118,11 @@
A required method is not implemented by the role. Required methods say
"to use this Role you must implement this method".
+A role I<has> zero or more B<excluded roles>.
+An excluded role is a role that the role doing the excluding says it
+cannot be combined with.
Roles are I<composed> into classes (or other roles). When a role is
composed into a class, its attributes and methods are "flattened" into
the class. Roles I<do not> show up in the inheritance hierarchy. When
@@ -146,7 +150,7 @@
=head2 Method Modifiers
-A method modifier is a hook that is called when a named method is
+A B<method modifier> is a hook that is called when a named method is
called. For example, you could say "before calling C<login()>, call
this modifier first". Modifiers come in different flavors like
"before", "after", "around", and "augment", and you can apply more
@@ -372,7 +376,7 @@
-Copyright 2008 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.
+Copyright 2008-2009 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.
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