[northwestengland.pm] Getting Started with Elm, with Michael Jones - Monday 19th March, 7pm, MadLab

Hakim C hakim.cassimally at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 23:36:08 GMT 2018

It's almost time for another LambdaLounge session!  This time we have Getting
Started with Elm, with Michael Jones.

Elm is a friendly language for front-end development that promises 'no
runtime exceptions'. It has a functional approach with a solid type system
and a focus on simplicity. Michael will demonstrate how to get going with a
basic Elm application and illustrate how some of the features of the
language and the compiler lead to a smooth & enjoyable development

We'll start with a demo and some live-coding. There'll be plenty of time
for discussion, and do bring along your own laptop if you'd like to play

 *When*: Monday 19th March* @ 7pm (doors open slightly earlier, we aim to
start by 7:10pm)

 *Who*: Michael Jones (@michaelpjones)

 *Where*:  https://madlab.org.uk/find-us/

 *Sign Up: **https://www.eventbrite.com/e/getting-started-with-elm-with-michael-jones-tickets-44084145867

Full blurb is on the eventbrite page above!

Please could you sign up to let us know numbers?

All the best!

* I know, that's a whole week away!  But never fear! If you can't wait, Elm
Manchester <https://twitter.com/elm_manchester> have a meetup on Wed 14th.
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