[Number-phone] Number::Phone no longer supports perl 5.8

David Cantrell david at cantrell.org.uk
Fri Sep 2 22:25:53 GMT 2022

As of the next release (which is imminent) Number::Phone can no longer 
fully support perl 5.8. I'm sure you don't care, because perl 5.8 is 
about a million years old now.

The reason for this is that one of the modules I use when building it - 
XML::XPath - no longer supports 5.8, which means I can no longer do 
automated testing with 5.8 on Github.

You don't actually need XML::XPath at runtime, so in the unlikely event 
that you are still using a perl from the Stone Age it *should* still 
work. I will not *deliberately* remove support without notice, but 
please be aware that because I can't automatically test on it, 5.8 
support may go away accidentally at any time. Once it does it ain't 
gonna come back.

David Cantrell

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