[Perl-org-patches] content and www/lean/history......

Leo Lapworth leo at cuckoo.org
Sat Aug 15 21:19:24 GMT 2009

Ok, first of, apologies! - I seem to have jumped the gun...

Is the plan to focus on updates to content? - or to also look at design /

I was coming at this from the perspective of what someone new to perl will
experience when they hit the *.perl.org sites.

Personally I would still like to look at usability/design, but maybe that
could come later?

I understand keeping <project>.perl.org, I'd never heard of moose.perl.orgor
catalyst.perl.org, oh, just found poe.perl.org, I wonder if there's a list
of these projects somewhere?

Would merging learn/history/www (maybe faq, not so sure on this) be a good
idea though? - so the user doesn't get bounced between subdomains quite so
often... e.g:

http://learn.perl.org/library/ - redirects to
http://learn.perl.org/faq/ - links to http://faq.perl.org/, and the
beginners mailing lists (not sure why that is under the faq).

Or is this too much for what you are trying to do?


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