[Perl-org-patches] Re: combust on HTTP::Server::Simple

Eric Wilhelm enobacon at gmail.com
Mon Aug 24 18:28:39 GMT 2009

# from Eric Wilhelm
# on Monday 24 August 2009 10:49:

>That is, once you get through the bit where Combust::Control and
>Combust::Config both execute some code at require-time which expects
> to find a config file in some environment variables.

It looks like it falls through to 

  $ CBCONFIG=combust.conf perl -Ilib -MCombust::Control -e '
    warn Combust::Control->new->get_include_path'
  Undefined subroutine CGI::dir_config
   at lib/Combust/Control.pm line 304

Apparently one could set COMBUST_REQUEST_CLASS in the environment (or 
override in Combust::Control) and fill this in with something decent.  
It looks like Combust::Request::CGI does not implement every method 
that Combust::Request::Apache does.

    perl -Ilib -MCombust::Control -e '
    warn Combust::Control->new->get_include_path'
  Could not load "Combust::Request::Foo" ...

Although I'm starting to think that it's maybe easier to just skip 
Combust::Control entirely.  However, it looks to be possibly entwined 
in the various sites -- everyone has a render() method.  :-/

Can someone please help me get this bikeshed in my backpack?

Aside:  My combust.conf is just:

  servername = localhost
  sites = learn
  port = 8320

  servername = localhost

Though I suspect that even that much config could be unnecessary when it 
comes down to it.

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