[Perl-org-patches] Re: Patches

Leo Lapworth leo at cuckoo.org
Fri Sep 11 07:36:54 GMT 2009

Sorry - email got sent before I'd finished the notes (it's also waiting
approval by the moderator).

2009/9/11 Leo Lapworth <leo at cuckoo.org>

> www.patch

> - news: remove anything out of date

> - books.html - big cleanup, remove old links, make more of the free online
> library, make blogs more prominent

> - app.html - general cleanup of html

> - events.html - sort stats, clean html, remove out of date content, reord=
> so Mongers / Yapc are earlier

about/reduce-risks.html - make Y2K less prominant

books/library.html - move list into main page rather on left to main  body,
means that this page can now have normal navigation (used  to be a dead-end)
and also the list is easier to read.

about.html - general clean, make keywords bold and make sentences shorter so
easier to scan, make "Perl and the web" more important than the list of OS's


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