[Perl-org-patches] What's Going On?

Shlomi Fish shlomif at iglu.org.il
Tue Oct 5 09:45:05 GMT 2010

Hi Leo,

On Tuesday 05 October 2010 08:15:04 Leo Lapworth wrote:
> Hi,
> On 4 October 2010 21:35, Shlomi Fish <shlomif at iglu.org.il> wrote:
> > > Why hasn't there been any activity on this list for a long time? Can we
> > > start contributing to learn.perl.org and other sites again?
> Sorry, I haven't forgotten, Perl.com and now another project have been
> chewing up my time.
> I've been thinking about this a lot and have discussed the plan with
> several people, but I've been trying to get the time to do a few examples
> before making it public (which it actually very hard to make a good
> example).
> I've also been waiting for Task::Kensho to mature a bit more.
> Anyway - have a read of the README here:
> http://github.com/ranguard/learn-perl-org
> This is what I'd like to make the focus of learn.perl.org - there would be
> other resources on the site as well, but I'd like to focus on this and then
> build up around it.

OK, I've read the README, and made a GitHub pull request for a typo. But I 
don't like this direction: http://learn.perl.org/ should primarily be a portal 
and beginners' first-stop for learning Perl, similar to what 
http://perl-begin.org/ is now. We should assume that the people who come there 
have little knowledge of Perl or even programming, or that the Perl they know 
is Ancient Perl. That was the original purpose of learn.perl.org and that's 
how most people will find it using search engines.

If you want to make l.p.o better as such, then you have all the material on 
http://perl-begin.org/ at your disposal and I will gladly help you with that. 
I'm referring people to some Englightened Perl modules on the topical pages, 
but there are many other resources there.


	Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
Why I Love Perl - http://shlom.in/joy-of-perl

<rindolf> She's a hot chick. But she smokes.
<go|dfish> She can smoke as long as she's smokin'.

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