[Redis] Perl Redis Client news

Ivan Kruglov ivan.kruglov at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 18 20:46:12 GMT 2013


I'm quite new to perl world (came from C/C++ land) so my approaches may =

be naive.
Let me add my two cents.

On 18.11.13, 12:39, Pedro Melo wrote:
> the decision to go with read was not about "reading" speed but "read =

> until \r\n" speed. The PerlIO layer was *much* faster that whatever I =

> could find at finding the \r\n that Redis protocol uses to limit the =

> size frame, that's why I complicated the design...
After several offline discussions with Damien about issues connected to =

mixing buffered and non-buffered IO in Redis.pm I was interested in how =

slow would be perl native application layer buffering strategy in =

compassion with PerlIO. I've implemented it in [1] and it doesn't looks =

so bad. I should say my tests shows equal performance. Check it out.

If I'm wrong with my ideas I'd be interested to know why :-)

[1] =


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