[Xml-compile] Problem with choice

Drew Taylor drew at drewtaylor.com
Tue Apr 22 18:08:15 BST 2008

On 22 Apr 2008, at 17:23, Drew Taylor wrote:

> I apologize in advance for such a long post!
> I'm having an issue with an end-to-end test which is testing for  
> errors in messages. Using X::C::WSDL, I create a client and send off  
> a request to the server (it's Catalyst but I don't think that's  
> relevant). The incoming and outgoing SOAP messages are below. In  
> this particular case, I'm leaving off PackageRequest/DateRange/Start  
> to test my error checking. I can see the warning message in the  
> response, so that part is working correctly. However, the client  
> gives me an error when trying to read in the response and parse it.
> If I put back the PackageRequest/DateRange/Start element everything  
> works fine. There must be something simple I'm overlooking... It  
> seems crazy that I can't test failure scenarios because X::C is  
> saving me from my (intentional) errors. :-)
> Drew
> Client:
> my $wsdl    = XML::Compile::WSDL11->new($xml);
> my $client  = $wsdl->compileClient($message,
>     port => $message.'Port', transport_hook => \&proxy_to_test_app,
> );
> # $params is the monster data structure to be sent
> $params->{PackageRequest}{DateRange} = {Duration => 'P7N'}; #  
> testing lack of Start element
> ($answer, $trace) = $client->( { body => $params } );
> Gives:
>   error: no applicable choice for `Success' at {http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2003/05 
> }TTI_PkgBookRS

OK, I figured it out. :-) Turns out the response was NOT valid  
according to the schema. It was missing a required element  
"Accommodation" deep down in PackageReservation/Package/ItineraryItems/ 

So I guess the real question is: why was the client telling me that it  
was having a problem finding a choice for the wrong element? And how  
did this pass the server-side check? I thought it was more stringent  
about these things? On my side, I'll dig into the schemas and see if  
Accommodation was required or optional and any other relevant bits.

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