[Xml-compile] Schemas with mixed elements

Drew Taylor drew at drewtaylor.com
Mon Aug 18 12:31:43 BST 2008

On 13 Aug 2008, at 12:42, Mark Overmeer wrote:

> * Actually, this may be an approach to support by default for mixed
> elements.  However... in your case, fixing the STRUCTURED bug  
> (ignoring
> the mixed attribute at all) will probably work as well.

Hi Mark,

 From the docs in 0.93:
> [available since 0.86] ComplexType and ComplexContent components can  
> be declared with the <mixed="true"> attribute. This implies that  
> text is not limited to the content of containers, but may also be  
> used inbetween elements. Usually, you will only find ignorable white- 
> space between elements.
> In this example, the a container is marked to be mixed: <a id="5">  
> before <b>2</b> after </a>
> Often the "mixed" option is bending one of both ways: either the  
> element is needed as text, or the element should be parsed and the  
> text ignored. The reader has various options to avoid the need of  
> processing raw XML::LibXML nodes.
What I'd like is an option to combine ATTRIBUTES and STRUCTURAL  
handling on the reader. Going back to my particular need, the xml  
looks like:


The text will only occur once, and it will always be immediately after  
the parent tag. The new option I'm proposing would separate out the  
text into the '_' element, perhaps as an array to support multiple  
text chunks (overkill for me but may be useful to others). This is  
similar to the TEXTUAL option.  In addition, the remaining non-text  
elements would be processed and transformed into a data structure as  
with the STRUCTURAL option.

I would be willing to help implement this option, if you 1) don't  
think I'm crazy and 2) can point me in the right direction.



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