[Xml-compile] Adding namespaced attributes to elements

Mark Overmeer mark at overmeer.net
Mon Aug 18 20:08:04 BST 2008

* Drew Taylor (drew at drewtaylor.com) [080818 11:45]:
> Yes, it is within a mixed content schema. This is from the XFT schema.  
> Please don't get me started on how incredibly complex this schema is.  

I have seen worse ;-)

These are fun:
   <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
      <xs:group ref="CardGroup" minOccurs="0"/>
Optional repetition of optional groups.

Using groups in such number is not really nice: elements of these
groups get onto the same level in the message, losing their
structural grouping where a nesting is much clearer.  It is
probably caused by abusing some design tool.

> I don't understand why they chose to go with types of the same  
> element rather than creating a new element which referenced the  
> appropriate complexType. You can imagine how I felt when I saw what I  
> had to work with. :-(

This is the trick to permit substitutionGroups: people are suggested
to declare all elements which may get extended with such element-level
unions on the top-level, and use refs to them.  It is clean, but you
can overdo it easily.

> Just for kicks I tried s/mixed="true"/mixed="false"/g since I can live  
> without the text content, but (not surprisingly) that caused massive  
> trouble in the form of deep recursion errors.

This is the same effect as using the "mixed_elements => 'STRUCTURAL'".
It should not get into deep-recursions, because I do catch those
situations (I believe).  If you can reproduce it, I would like to
get a bug-report for that (data files off list).

>From what I see, mixed="true" seems weird: everything is so well defined.
I can not imagin that the mixed on that element level is being used.
So, send me a bug-report to be able to use 'STRUCTURAL' ;-)

       Mark Overmeer MSc                                MARKOV Solutions
       Mark at Overmeer.net                          solutions at overmeer.net
http://Mark.Overmeer.net                   http://solutions.overmeer.net

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