[Xml-compile] XML::Compile release v0.99 [MINOR]

Mark Overmeer mark at overmeer.net
Mon Dec 29 09:57:44 GMT 2008


In preparation of a XML::Compile::SOAP release, later this morning,
first a maintenance release of its base XML::Compile.  Not really
impressive (I hope)

   version 0.99: Mon Dec 29 10:16:28 CET 2008


        - reset "used count" when include_namespaces

        - Qname will not complain about "unused namespace", because
          that is often not true.  If true, than you have to provide
          a the compile(prefixes) as HASH with used flag set.


        - elements and attributes with non-default "form" attribute
          were not recognized.

        - type-based replace hook selected too often.


        - compile(include_namespaces) can have a code reference to
          filter included namespace declarations to be included.

        - addSchemas/importDefinitions now have options
          {element,attribute}FormDefault to overrule the (missing) info
          in many (old) schemas (even those of soap and wsdl).

        - dataToXML() also finds filenames in the SCHEMADIR, not only
          known namespaces.  That was always intended to happen.

        - optimize reading of complex with zero or one component.

        - new reader hook after => 'NODE_TYPE'

        - error when schema definition contains components of other

        - you now can compile types only, where the schema does not
          contain the definition of the element which will be produced.
          But I will not tell you how until the interface has settled ;-)


       Mark Overmeer MSc                                MARKOV Solutions
       Mark at Overmeer.net                          solutions at overmeer.net
http://Mark.Overmeer.net                   http://solutions.overmeer.net

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