[Xml-compile] XML::Compile 0.96/::SOAP 0.78

Mark Overmeer mark at overmeer.net
Fri Oct 10 15:23:06 BST 2008


Just when I thought the changes had settled down a bit, hell broke
loose.  Reason: XML::Compile did not support ref, nillable, default
and fixed on top-level elements, but that fix broke ::SOAP hacks.

My XML::Compile::SOAP development tree is under heavy reconstruction,
and therefore not usable to test the previous release.  Under pressure
of an abnormal workload, I hurried.

I was pleased to receive 5 different bug-reports about this in 2 days!
Thanks!  It is only possible to fix things if you know that there are
things to be fixed.

*** Fixes

I've just released to solve the problems, however

     >>>>>>>>>>  SOAP-RPC support stays BROKEN!!!  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

   == XML::Compile 0.96

   version 0.96: Fri Oct 10 16:02:09 CEST 2008
   - warning condition on old libxml2 version was broken: warned too
     often.  rt.cpan.org#39807 [Joerg Plate]
   - overruling "qualified" on top-level elements did not work anymore.
   - writer hook "replace" crashed on missing (optional) data.

   == XML::Compile::SOAP 0.78

   version 0.78: Fri Oct 10 15:55:39 CEST 2008
   - improved understanding of top-level elements in XML::Compile 0.95
     broke this module:
     . some schema lack    elementFormDefault="qualified"
       changed in soap-encoding.xsd, wsdl-soap.xsd
     . some problems in the RPC encoder/decoder
     . disable t/51wsdl11enc.t

    - do not use (big)float in test of t/15rpclit11.t

*** A little more background on the problems:

Before XML::Compile 0.95, the top-level elements were treated seperately
from other (enclosed) elements.  Therefore, it was possible to hack
some work-arounds for the problems that the SOAP design has... the
implementation of the two kinds of elements got integrated, and therewith
my tricks broke.  Some work-arounds where fixable, and some are not.

Hopefully soon, my transformation from XML::Compile::SOAP to be based
on XML::Compile::Cache will make a correct RPC implementation possible
again.  It is quite a challenging rewrite, paving the path to SOAP1.2 and
WSDL2.0 at the same time.

The whole concept of SOAP-RPC is broken anyway.
Have a nice weekend,


       Mark Overmeer MSc                                MARKOV Solutions
       Mark at Overmeer.net                          solutions at overmeer.net
http://Mark.Overmeer.net                   http://solutions.overmeer.net

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