[Xml-compile] Broken RPC/Literal support
Daniel Ruoso
daniel at ruoso.com
Sat Apr 4 22:48:36 BST 2009
I'm trying to get things working with the latest XML::Compile::SOAP, but
I'm having some trouble.
Considering the attached WSDL, the expected input message for the Greet
operation would look like:
<Greet xmlns="">
That's because, as in the SOAP spec
If the operation style is rpc each part is a parameter or a
return value and appears inside a wrapper element within the
body (following Section 7.1 of the SOAP specification). The
wrapper element is named identically to the operation name and
its namespace is the value of the namespace attribute. Each
message part (parameter) appears under the wrapper, represented
by an accessor named identically to the corresponding parameter
of the call. Parts are arranged in the same order as the
parameters of the call.
But XML::Compile is, instead of using the name of the operation as the
wrapper, taking the name of the message associated with that operation.
This is wrong, as the wrapper element is precisely the thing that
identifies which is the currently requested operation, and also makes it
impossible to share the message definition in more than one operation.
I understand some of you might be thinking that I should be using the
SOAPAction header instead, but contrary to general belief, the
SOAPAction attribute is not mandatory and is HTTP-specific (yes, there
are people using SOAP over other transports). As the spec says:
The soapAction attribute specifies the value of the SOAPAction
header for this operation. This URI value should be used
directly as the value for the SOAPAction header; no attempt
should be made to make a relative URI value absolute when making
the request. For the HTTP protocol binding of SOAP, this is
value required (it has no default value). For other SOAP
protocol bindings, it MUST NOT be specified, and the
soap:operation element MAY be omitted.
I've made a hack for that to work before, and already mentioned at that
time (I don't remeber where, maybe in a private mail to markov) how this
hack was working. And when XML::Compile::SOAP was upgraded, that hack
stopped working (it's a hack after all), because the options "rpcin" and
"rpcout" no longer exist in the method compileClient for the operation
returned by the WSDL. XML::Compile::SOAP::Client documentation mentions
"encode" and "decode" options, but they are not used by compileClient.
How to fix this?
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