[Xml-compile] unqualified troubles :)

Jozef Kutej jozef at kutej.net
Mon Feb 9 11:42:49 GMT 2009

Mark Overmeer wrote:
> Unqualified is out of fashion: has no future.  But probably you have
> no choice.

Fortunately I have and I can (and will) ask to turn the qualified on, but as I
spent quite some time trouble shooting what's going wrong I wanted to let others

> Maybe someone can find the rule which describes this behavior in detail.
> The Schema spec is unreadable for me.  Maybe more accessible for native
> speakers.


There is XSD+XML example with unqualified. It looks similar as my note.xsd and
.xsd. The root element has a namespace (targetNamespace) but the child elements
has no namespace, expect one element defined via ref.

> Well, yes and no.  For one, XML::Compile does not pretend to be a perfect
> validator.  It does validate a lot, but not everything.

But something must have gone wrong when the XML::Compile didn't output any


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