[Xml-compile] attribute and a child tag with the same name

Jozef Kutej jozef at kutej.net
Fri Mar 27 07:44:34 GMT 2009


on yesterdays ba.pm meeting I had a talk about how to use
XML::LibXML::Reader with XML::Compile::Schema to parse big XML files. As
I was showing XML::Compile::Schema I got a question what happens when
the parent tag attribute has the same name as child tag. Ex.:

<?xml version=3D"1.0"?>
<note to=3D"me">
<body>dont' forget</body>

In this case <note> has "to" attribute and <to> child tag at the same
time. I've tested it today and writer from:

    'to'   =3D> 'to',
    'from' =3D> 'from',
    'heading' =3D> 'head',
    'body' =3D> 'b',

will produce:


While reader when reading the example will generate this structure:

    'body' =3D> 'dont\' forget',
    'to' =3D> 'me',
    'from' =3D> 'ba.pm',
    'heading' =3D> 'Reminder'

of course neither writer nor reader can know which "to" (attribute or
element) I mean. On the other hand XML::Compile::Schema have the
possibility (unlike XML::Simple and friends) to find out from the schema
that there is a conflict and prefix the attribute name by _ or what
ever. What do you think?

Or what do you suggest for a documents like this? Write a hook?

Attached is a simple xsd+xml+pl that I used to play around with this.


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