[Xml-compile] XML::Compile release 1.06

Mark Overmeer mark at overmeer.net
Thu May 28 08:44:19 GMT 2009


I haven't announced releases for XML::Compile for some time now, because
the changes where minor.  They still are.  But you may want to stay
up-to date...  There will be a new XML::Compile::SOAP today.

Since the previous announcement:

 version 1.06: Thu May 28 10:28:45 CEST 2009


   - prefer simpleType child over base type attribute in
     simpleContent/restriction.  rt.cpan.org#46212 [Erich Weigand]


   - ignore all references to an (unloaded) schema, for instance
     with deprecated structures via ::compile(block_namespace) with
     tests in t/76blocked.t

   - fixed tests in t/91noqual.t

   - include t/75type.t in the distribution.

   - added test for base64Binary to t/21types.t

   - reader and writer: replace hook also gets code-ref able to
     process what is being replaced, implementing a wrapper.

 version 1.05: di apr 28 13:04:42 CEST 2009


   - writer: accept single element for tagged and mixed.

   - writer: accept scalar for mixed, upgraded to text node.

 version 1.04: Fri Apr 24 16:08:43 CEST 2009


   - the use of cached schema elements must be limited to single
     ::Schema objects (for instance per WSDL object).
     rt.cpan.org#44959 [Jozef Kutej]

   - complex extension of anyType types.


   - document that key_rewrite only applies to elements, not

   - add 'target_namespace' overrule option to importDefinitions()
     and ::Schema::addSchemas()

   - have ::Schema::new() pass options to importDefinitions()

   - added various entries about fixing-up schema's to the FAQ.

 version 1.03: Wed Mar 25 15:41:43 CET 2009


   - template: protect output against combinatorial explosion, which
     did hurt [Anton Berezin]


   - new option ::Schema::compile(abstract_types)

   - template: compact the output of substitutionGroups, leaving the
     abstract types out and use columns in the display.

   - template: add namespace details to XML and PERL output

   - template: add header to XML and PERL output.
     New option  ::Schema::template(skip_header)

 version 1.02: Thu Feb 12 11:37:49 CET 2009


   - fix useSchema() deep recursion

   - writer: repair ARRAY complaint when scalar given on place
     where an array of values is acceptable.  [Allan Wind]


       Mark Overmeer MSc                                MARKOV Solutions
       Mark at Overmeer.net                          solutions at overmeer.net
http://Mark.Overmeer.net                   http://solutions.overmeer.net

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