[Xml-compile] Unexpected elements and attributes

Mark Overmeer mark at overmeer.net
Wed Apr 14 18:34:34 GMT 2010

* John Hayden (john.hayden at analog.com) [100414 16:42]:
> 1) how can I get the compiled reader to flag elements that I haven't
>    declared in my schema?

No: incomplete schema are not permitted, in general afaik. However,
you may be able to trick it by adding your own additional schema 
filling-up the missing items. Simple.

> 2) similarly, how can I get it to flag undeclared attributes?

Undeclared makes ignored.

> 3) last, why can't I declare my element's attributes before its
> child elements?

I do not know what you mean exactly.

> <whine> It's a pain in a large schema to have to look for the
> attributes way down after all of the elements.

No, that restriction does not exist. The order of the declarations
of elements and attributes is free.

> When I read the XML,
> the attributes of course appear first within the start tag, followed
> by the child element structure. I'd like the schema to read the same
> way if possible.

Now I think that you mean something different with your question.
You say that schema's are ugly, counter intuative and far too
verbose.  You're right on all accounts.

> Here's my simple example. I'd like the unexpected badAttr and <bad>
> elements to cause an error.

If your sequence does not list a certain element, then its appearance
with cause a fatal validation error.

For an attribute, you can declare one within a complexType with

> Basically, I'd like to turn on strict checking somehow.

You'll always get strict checking.


       Mark Overmeer MSc                                MARKOV Solutions
       Mark at Overmeer.net                          solutions at overmeer.net
http://Mark.Overmeer.net                   http://solutions.overmeer.net

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