[Xml-compile] error: add 'use XML::Compile::???' to your script

Morad IGMIR migmir at alliancemca.com
Tue Jul 6 16:12:46 GMT 2010

When trying to use XML::Compile::WSDL11 with,
Say, this WSDL : http://www.webservicex.net/CreditCard.asmx?WSDL

I get 

error: add 'use XML::Compile::???' to your script

My understanding so far is that the HttpGet/Post ports are causing this.
This used to be the case with SOAP12 ports, but markov fixed it with one of
the latest releases.

Is there a way for xml compile to skip the parts it doesn't understand ?
Or is the only way to do this to save the wsdl file and edit those parts

Any advice would be appreciated.

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