[Xml-compile] Multiple problems with X::C::WSDL11

Robin V. robinsp at gmail.com
Sun Mar 14 21:02:37 GMT 2010

On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 8:59 PM, Mark Overmeer <solutions at overmeer.net> wrote:
> * Robin V. (robinsp at gmail.com) [100314 12:38]:
>> I sent a mail to the list, here is a new version of the corrected
>> wsdl. I don't know if there's still bug in it, but the error message I
>> xml::compile reports me seems not to be true...
> Did you load all the xsd's explicitly, as XML::Compile requires?
>  $wsdl->importDefinitions(glob 'siri/*.xsd');

I should have looked better at the documentation for this problem.
After importing the whole xsd dependencies, It's going one step
farther (victory is near! :) ) but there's still error message when I
try to register the callback. I'm not sure the way it is registered is
the good one:

   callbacks => { default_callback => \&my_callback } );

But it's not what's written in XML/Compile/WSDL11.pod. I should  also
look at how to bind the server because I also receive errors from

2010/03/14-21:51:39 POSIX::sigemptyset not implemented on this
architecture at C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/Net/Server/Daemonize.pm
line 233.
 at line 293 in file C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/Net/Server.pm
 at C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Daemon.pm line 129

Anyway, do you have any clue on how to replace the Sys::Syslog used by
Log::Report::Dispatcher? I'd like to see logs on the standard error
instead of windows event logger used by sys::syslog, but I can't
easily find where to look for information on how to change this.

And once again, thanks for showing me where the problem was.


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