[Xml-compile] Callback returned element must use type not name

Mark Overmeer solutions at overmeer.net
Mon May 17 11:19:55 GMT 2010

I have just released XML::Compile::SOAP 2.14.  The problem is the
other way around: explain() is right, but your code isn't.

In most SOAP-RPC/type definitions in WSDLs, I saw the same name for
the part as for the data structure. So, I did not see that the code
was actually wrongly taking the type name where it should have been
the part name. That must be corrected, for instance because there
can be multiple parts using the same type.

Sorry for the inconvenience of this interface breaking change.

* Robin V. (robinsp at gmail.com) [100426 20:05]:
> I upgraded xml::compile and xml::comile::soap and checked the (maybe
> experimental?) WSDL->explain method.
> For a given callback, this "explain" method prints that the returned
> element should look like this:
> sub handle_CheckStatus($)
>    # Part type {http://www.siri.org.uk/siri}ProducerResponseEndpointStructure
>    my $CheckStatusAnswerInfo = {};
> But in fact, I must use a hash like this for the callback to return data:
> ProducerResponseEndpointStructure => XXX

> There seems to be a mixup between type and name of the parameters.

       Mark Overmeer MSc                                MARKOV Solutions
       Mark at Overmeer.net                          solutions at overmeer.net
http://Mark.Overmeer.net                   http://solutions.overmeer.net

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