[xml-compile] namespace prefixes
Wes Young
wes at ren-isac.net
Fri Oct 1 13:47:32 GMT 2010
On Sep 30, 2010, at 6:22 PM, Mark Overmeer wrote:
> Your documentation is still missing.
(that's why it's still ver .xx_1) :)
> Why is your interface like this:
> my $iodef = XML::IODEF->new($h);
> print $iodef->out(1)."\n"
> Now, the object cannot be reused. I would say:
> my $iodef = XML::IODEF->new;
> print $iodef->out($h, 1),"\n";
> print $iodef->out($z, 1),"\n";
> Instantiating this object is expensive. In the second solution, you
> need only onw.
> my $doc = XML::LibXML::Document->new('1.0', 'UTF-8');
> my $write = $s->compile(WRITER => $type
> , prefixes => [ iodef => 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:iodef-1.0' ]);
> my $xml = $write->($doc, $self->_hash());
> return $xml->toString($pretty);
interesting thought, i'll have to play around with it. Honestly was
trying to get everything to just "compile" first then deal with the
semantics later. The ->in() (which i need to add) and ->out() was just
how the original versions of this module were developed. So it was
just carried over in that way to see how XML::Compile worked.
Good thoughts, i'll play around with it a bit. I did notice the cost
of instantiation.
> You should add the $xml to the $doc. Only $doc->toString will produce
> correct character encodings.
> $doc->setDocumentElement($xml);
> return $doc->toString;
> But I see that this is a problem with the SYNOPSIS of ::Schema. Will
> be corrected in the next release.
neat. Thanks!
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