[Xml-compile] [MINOR] XML::Compile v1.17

Mark Overmeer mark at overmeer.net
Thu Sep 23 07:42:28 GMT 2010

I am playing with KML (GoogleEath/Maps, module Geo::KML) which has quite
complex schemas in its current version. Therefore, mostly cleanups in
the example generator 'template'

Apparently, I did not announce 1.16 and 1.15:

== version 1.17: Thu Sep 23 09:31:40 CEST 2010


  - removed 'IGNORE' choice for abstract_types options. Either
    they produce and ERROR or you ACCEPT them in your message,
    ignoring them to be abstract.

  - move t/99pod.t to xt/ which removes dependency from Test::Pod


  - writer: do not complain about mal-formatted integers when
    validation is off [Titi Ala'ilima]

  - reader: do not complain about mal-formed integers when
    validation is off.

  - template: do not show "TEMPLATE_ERROR" when the defaults
    of fields are '0'.

  - template: did not show extensions of abstract types.

  - template: fix line folding with long words.

  - template: remove double blanks before '['


  - template: report wrong value of action parameter before
    anything else.

  - template: show reason for empty sequences

  - template: do not show abstract types in substitutionGroups

== version 1.16: Tue Jun 15 15:16:29 CEST 2010


  - template: processing of nillable objects.
    rt.cpan.org#58321 [Max Cohan]

  - the chaching needed for recursive schemas, did not contain
    xsi:type logic. [Knut Arne Bjørndal]

== version 1.15: Mon May 10 15:20:17 CEST 2010


  - reader: namespace qualified attributes. Discovered by [Heiko Jansen]

  - reader: namespace of attributeGroups.

  - writer: namespace qualified fixed value attribute.


  - remove out-dated constants from the ::BuildInTypes manual-page

  - ::Translate::keyRewrite accepts split ns/local as well. This
    avoids clumpsy pack/unpack.



       Mark Overmeer MSc                                MARKOV Solutions
       Mark at Overmeer.net                          solutions at overmeer.net
http://Mark.Overmeer.net                   http://solutions.overmeer.net

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