[Xml-compile] Help with compiling serializers and de-serializers

Bill Moseley moseley at hank.org
Sun May 22 19:40:40 GMT 2011

Hi Mark,

Thanks for the response, but sad to say I'm still not getting it.

On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 11:20 AM, Mark Overmeer <mark at overmeer.net> wrote:

> * Bill Moseley (moseley at hank.org) [110522 15:10]:
> > my $operation =3D $wsdl->operation( 'createPerson' );
> > warn Dumper $operation->{input_def};
> It's better to use
>   $operation->explain($wsdl, PERL =3D> 'INPUT', recurse =3D> 1);
> than some kind of "illegal" introspection.  Also
>   $wsdl->explain('xyz', PERL =3D> 'INPUT', recurse =3D> 1);

Now you have me really confused.

warn $wsdl->explain( 'createPerson', PERL =3D> 'INPUT', recurse =3D> 1 );

Is only showing me code to create a client, which I don't need.  And then it
only shows "Parameters" which is the data only for the createPersonRequest,
and says nothing about "HeaderInfoParameters" for
the imsx_syncRequestHeaderInfo data.

That is, it's not saying anything about the <Header>

> There's two input sections.  Can I compile a single subroutine to
> > parse/de-serialize a message that includes both the header and body?  A=
> > likewise, create a single sub to encode/serialize?
> Yes, that's actually the normal situation.  It's even possible to have
> multiple bodies.

That's good news.  Is there an example you can point me to?

Or better, could you point out what I'm doing wrong here?  Again, I seem to
only be able to specify compiles for individual parts.



-- =

Bill Moseley
moseley at hank.org
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