[Xml-compile] Using xsi:type with XML::Compile

DEIGNAN Ciaran c.deignan at rsd.com
Tue Aug 28 07:38:15 GMT 2012

Hi Mark and All

I have a web service that uses "xsi:type" in a reply. I've succeeded using the syntax documented here:


However the AUTO mode doesn't seem to work.

I can get my web service to work with

my $gfp = $wsdl->compileClient('GetFilePlan', endpoint => $Endpoint . 'nodemgmt', xsi_type => { '{http://www.rsd.com/2011/07/datatype/schema}FilePlanType' => '{http://www.rsd.com/2011/07/datatype/schema}rmFilePlanType' });

The "use Log::Report mode => 3;" doesn't appear to give information on the xsi_type declaration.

I tried the AUTO mode like this

my $gfp = $wsdl->compileClient('GetFilePlan', endpoint => $Endpoint . 'nodemgmt', xsi_type => { '{http://www.rsd.com/2011/07/datatype/schema}FilePlanType' => 'AUTO' });

However I get the error

error: cannot find type AUTO at {http://www.rsd.com/2011/07/nodemgmt/schema}GetFilePlanResponse/filePlanType

Anyway, I'm happy, I just wanted to share the example.

The AUTO feature would be "nice to have" while building the environment ;)



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