[Xml-compile] WS-Security to Axis2 server

Mark Overmeer mark at overmeer.net
Thu Aug 30 07:15:24 GMT 2012

* David McMath (mcdave at stanford.edu) [120830 05:25]:
> Not that I completely understand your situation, but it seems like
> the wsp:Policy element is just saying that you're going to need
> UsernameToken with the requests.


>   $wsdl->importDefinitions(
> '/Library/Perl/5.10.0/XML/Compile/WSS/wss11/200401-wss-secext.xsd' )
> ;
>   $wsdl->importDefinitions(
> '/Library/Perl/5.10.0/XML/Compile/WSS/wss11/200401-wss-utility.xsd'
> ) ;

Instantiate the XML::Compile::WSS object, then this is not needed.

> >my $UsernameToken_writer   =
> >  $wsdl->schemas->compile(WRITER => $UsernameToken_element);
> Where it threw the error
> panic: schemas() removed in v2.00, not needed anymore
>  at /Library/Perl/5.10.0/XML/Compile/WSDL11.pm line 65
> which says "old example" to me.  But change that to

Where did you find this example?  2.00 was released four years ago.
First XML::Compile::Schema was a helper object for the WSDL.  Later,
WSDL11 simply extended ::Schema.

> >my ($result, $trace) = $call->(
> >    header => { $UsernameToken_element => $UsernameToken_value },
> >    # rest of arguments
> >);

Like this:
  my $op_call = $wsdl->compileClient($operation);
  my $security = $wss->wsseBasicAuth($username, $password);
  my %payload  = ();

  my ($answer, $trace) = $op_call->
    ( wsse_Security => $security
    , %payload

> and I can't really disagree.  That's just a warning.  There's
> something somewhere about calling "addHeader" on something to make
> that piece work (XML::Compile::SOAP::WSS does that), but I don't
> really know how that works.

::SOAP::WSS uses ::SOAP::Operation::addHeader() to fix the information
from the WSDL.  In WSDL11, you can describe which headers are expected
in the INPUT and the OUTPUT messages.  However, the WSS group decided
not to bother with that feature.  So, after the WSDL is parsed into
operations, those operations need to get fixed.

The repairs are done via a few hooks.  Those hooks are installed via
a pluggable interface of the WSDL reader (WSS is not the only extension
which does not follow the WSDL guidelines)  They get installed when the
::WSS object is created.  That is the reason why the doc says:

   # you really need next line
   my $wss  = XML::Compile::SOAP::WSS->new(version => '1.1');

   my $wsdl = XML::Compile::WSDL11->new(...);
   my $call = $wsdl->compileClient('some_operation');

For the next release, I have changed the last line in:

   my $token = $wss->wsseBasicAuth($user, $password);
   my ($data, $trace) = $call->(wsse_Security => $token, %data);

Hope this helps.


       Mark Overmeer MSc                                MARKOV Solutions
       Mark at Overmeer.net                          solutions at overmeer.net
http://Mark.Overmeer.net                   http://solutions.overmeer.net

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