[Xml-compile] error: element `SLAObject' not processed at {http://brixworks02.example.com:8080/API/SOAP/Utils/}getSLASResponse/sla_list

Mark Overmeer mark at overmeer.net
Tue Jan 24 22:03:29 GMT 2012

* Joshua Keroes (joshua at keroes.com) [120124 03:42]:
> All of the WS actions are resulting in the same "element ... not
> processed" error.
> The only thing I can see is that the SLAObject type in the response
> may not be getting placed in the correct namespace.

There are many things wrong and weird with the XML.

To start with
it is forbidden to use a namespace which is not a domain you own
yourself.  And why should one use a portnumber in here?  A namespace
is not the address of a server!!!!  If anything, it should be the
location of the schema/wsdl files.

  <pending xsi:type="xsd:int">0</pending>
  <active xsi:type="xsd:int">0</active>
  <shared xsi:type="xsd:int">0</shared>
The elements are of type xsd:boolean
With xsi:type you can replace an element which extend the indicated type.
Well, an int is not an extension of a boolean.  And why is it an int here?

This is bad:
>  <account_id xsi:nil="true"/>
>  <description xsi:nil="true"/>
You can only use this trick when the element has a nillable="true"
attribute.  I have seen this mistake the other way around, where
people treat a nillable attribute as were it optional. I even made
an work-around with the interpret_nillable_as_optional attribute.
This schema, however, would need a "nillable_means_missing", or
something like that.

And yes, you're right: this is a bug as well:
> <SLAObject xmlns="" xsi:type="namesp1:SLAObject">
The schema has elementFormDefault="qualified" 

Conclusion: the schema component in this wsdl is horribly broken. In
many respects. You cannot use XML::Compile(::SOAP) in this case.

       Mark Overmeer MSc                                MARKOV Solutions
       Mark at Overmeer.net                          solutions at overmeer.net
http://Mark.Overmeer.net                   http://solutions.overmeer.net

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